Lanie's Fandom Appreciation Site

Welcome to my Website!

Hi, I'm a person who does things! Like drawing and watching television shows and wrestling.

I like to make art of the things I like. Mostly wrestling and fanart of junk. I draw the characters I like. Then I relate them heavily to my own personal issues and traumas. That's what we all do... yeah? No? :o

I like these things the most

  1. Barry
  2. Wrestling
  3. Doctor Who.
  4. Hetalia
  5. Land of the Lustorous
  6. Kirby
  7. Cookie Run

Other Pages:

  • Wrestling
  • My wrestling fanpage. Where I absolutely fawn over these big old hunks throwing around other big old hunks.
    Hey! Who am I and what I like. And probably what I draw lol. I don't know :P.
  • My Art
  • AHH! My weird art! AHH!!